The Twickenham Museum
: Lost Houses

Twickenham 2
Pope's Villa and houses round Twickenham Green demolished and developed

Thomas Hudson's Gothic Villa

In 1750 the painter Thomas Hudson built his Palladian villa just upstream from Pope's Villa and, across the road, his Gothic Villa. Both were demolished in about 1808. Next on the riverside was Hickey's House and Cross Deep Hall, both built in 1756, for Joseph Hickey, father of tearaway William, and Samuel Scott the painter. Cross Deep Hall survived until after the war, damaged, and was demolished to extend Radnor Gardens. Just along the road, on the other side, was Cross Deep House, built in 1743 by Robert Parsons, a local carpenter. It survived until 1906, its land accommodating 72 houses today.

Clifden House

Away from the river, Heath Road was once lined with substantial houses with large gardens. On the north side going west were Clifden House (1886), Grove House, Laurel Lodge and Heath House.

Heath Lodge

On the south side were Heath Lodge, replacing the Ferrers' mansion demolished in 1783, and Savile House, home of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, both demolished in about 1910. Then came Twickenham House, Dr Diamond's private asylum until 1887. By the early 20th century all except Clifden House had been replaced by long parades of shops. Clifden House survived until 1974.

To the west, Gifford Lodge and Twickenham Grange next door faced the Common. Twickenham Grange was replaced by Willow Grange early in the 19th century. Gifford Lodge was destroyed by fire in 1963 and Gifford House, a home for the elderly, was built on the site.

Colne Lodge

Colne Lodge, beyond Twickenham Green on the Staines Road, occupied by Paul Whitehead, was built in about 1765 and demolished in 1897, the land sold for housing.

Further along Staines Road was Fulwell Lodge, later Fulwell Park, its origins in the early 17th century, later rebuilt and extended. Most famously it was occupied by Ex-King Manoel of Portugal between 1913 and his death in 1932. The estate was then developed for housing and the Portuguese connection is remembered in some road names locally.

Bath House

Bath House stood in the first stretch of London Road, on the left beyond the Police Station. A school for many years, it was demolished in 1895.

Fortescue House

Opposite, on the corner of Amyand Park Road stood Fortescue House, built in about 1770. It too became a school in 1780, then the Metropolitan & City Police Orphanage from 1870-78 and a Shaftesbury Home until demolition in 1938. Shaftesbury Homes moved to Wellesley House in the Hampton Road, taking the Fortescue House name with them until demolition in 1971.

At the junction with the Whitton Road stood Perryn House, demolished in 1897, Neville House (c1725), converted into flats in about 1953 and Brook House demolished in 1964 and replaced by a block of flats. There was an earlier house on the land of Heatham House in 1635.

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