The Twickenham Museum
: Villages on the River

Illustrious People of Hampton & Teddington
Peg Woffington (1714-60) was Garrick's lover and almost as famous as he on stage.

David Garrick

(1717-79) was one of the greatest actors to appear on the English stage, and was responsible for the renewed popularity of his beloved Shakespeare. He owned and at times managed Drury Lane Theatre which, with a partner, he bought in 1747 and retained until his retirement in 1766.

He first came to Hampton in 1754 and acquired what was then known as Hampton House (now Garrick's Villa). In 1755-6 he built his temple to Shakespeare on the riverside (now open to the public) and had Roubiliac sculpt a statue of his hero to stand in a niche in the temple. Numerous alterations were made to the house by Robert Adam during Garrick's tenure.

(1632-1723) left a permanent mark on Hampton, in that he rebuilt parts of during the reign of William and Mary. Between 1706 and 1723 he resided intermittently at the Old Court House on Hampton Court Green.

(1717-91) lived at the property called Rose Hill (now Hampton library). He was chiefly known as a singer and his reputation was gained at Covent Garden for his singing of the tenor parts specially written for him by Handel. He is buried in the vault of Hampton Church. The road Beard's Hill commemorates him.

Peg Woffington

(1714-60) was Garrick's lover and almost as famous as he on stage. The long-anticipated marriage did not take place and she left him in 1744. She is buried at St Mary's, Teddington, and a terrace of cottages in the High Street commemorates her name.

(1825-1900) rented a house in Hampton Wick in 1854. After an uncle left him a legacy in 1857 he bought a sixteen acre plot in Teddington and built Gomer House. He achieved fame in 1869 with the publication of Lorna Doone. He is buried in Teddington.

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