The Twickenham Museum
: Villages on the River

Hampton Wick
The word wick could denote a dairy farm ...

St John's Church, Hampton Wick, 1831
Evidence of Roman occupation was found when a large amount of pottery was discovered in Lower Teddington Road in 1992. The word wick could denote a dairy farm, but recent research suggests that it could mean trading place, as in Ipswich or Harwich. The bridge built between Kingston and Hampton Wick in 1219 replaced a ford known to have been there in Roman times. The building of nearby Hampton Court Palace produced employment and encouraged the growth of inns and shops serving the palace. Hampton Wick, however, was restricted by Bushy Park, Hampton Court Park and the Thames.
Widening of the High Street, 1902

In 1831 St Mary's church at Hampton was no longer large enough to accommodate all the parishioners and so was rebuilt. This gave an opportunity to Hampton Wick, who had long been in dispute with Hampton, to build their own church: St John's. The break was complete when Hampton Wick formed its own Local Board in 1863.
The greatest change to the appearance of the High Street in Hampton Wick was caused by the coming of the trams. In 1902 double tram tracks were laid and 21 buildings were demolished for road widening.

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