The Twickenham Museum
: Strawberry Hill

Radnor House
A 17th century house
1672 - 1940

Radnor House in 1725

A gabled stucco house originally of two storeys, six bays wide with the windows arranged in pairs. The house extended c 1745 and remodelled in the Italianate style by Henry Kendall in 1846/7. The house was totally destroyed by a bomb in September 1940.

1673 House probably built by John Hooker (c1630-1674)
1674 Elizabeth Hooker (d 1712), widow, by inheritance
1677 licence to let
1699 House sold to Edward Cole (d 1706)
Elizabeth Cole (d 1707), widow, by inheritance
1707 James Cole nephew, by inheritance
1718 House leased to Gabriel du Quesne
1722 House leased to John Robartes (1686-1757)
1724 Mary Cole, by inheritance
1729 Mary (née Cole) & Peter Martin
1741/5 house extended by John Robartes,
now 4th Earl of Radnor
1757 F Atherton Hindley (c1710-1781)
1779 Hindley in debt
1780 Mr Webb
Samuel Potts (1735-1792)
1782 Samuel Hoare

Radnor House in 1745

Both ownership and occupation of the house between 1779 and 1785 is not entirely clear because of legal disputes arising from Hindley's financial difficulties, mortgages and offers for sale. There were also disputes concerning Copyhold title which had been shared between three children of the Cole/Martin family and which John Robartes only acquired in stages during his occupation.

1785 Sir Francis Bassett
1793 Lady Margery & Lady Anne Murray
1799 Charles Marsh (d1812)
1812 Rev Thomas Vialls (1768-1831), nephew
1831 John Ivatt Briscoe (1791-1870)
1840 Lord Kilmorey (1787-1880). (probably)
1842 William Chillingworth
1846/7 house remodelled
1872 Mrs Stearns (née Chillingworth)
1902 Twickenham Urban District Council
1940 destroyed by bomb

Radnor House after 1847

Further reading:

Anthony Beckles Willson, Mr Pope & Others at Cross Deep, 1996
R S Cobbett, Memorials of Twickenham, 1872
F C Hodgson, Thames Side in the Past, George Allen, 1913
Twickenham 1600-1900 - People and Places, Borough of Twickenham Local History Society Paper No 47, 1981
Parson Woodforde Society, Quarterly Journal, vol XXVII No2, Summer 1994
Radnor House, Country Life, 3 July 1937

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